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08712440934Buy It Direct are proud to support Microsoft in its longstanding commitment to education – with a shared vision to bring anytime, anywhere learning for students and help educators throughout the world realize their full potential. TAP (Technology Access Program) continues to provide students, educators and institutions access to leading technologies at an affordable price.
The Technology Access Program offers reduced cost learning devices to help prepare students for the 21st century and to maximise the opportunities associated with personalised learning. We've teamed up with Microsoft to help introduce the latest technology into UK educational establishments.
The Technology Access Program is open to state-funded UK schools, academies and further education colleges (16-19) and is for teacher, admin or student use. Technology Access Program devices are not available to independent schools or higher education establishments.
So if you fit this criteria and want to learn more about how the Technology Access Program can help you and your students, please contatct our dedicated Education sales team directly on 0844 412 45523.
*TAP agreement has to be approved by Microsoft before it can be implemented.